How Long Can a Visitor Stay in My Apartment?
Say your new partner is sleeping over, or your brother lost his job and started crashing on your couch. Most leases will consider these people guests until they sleep over …
Say your new partner is sleeping over, or your brother lost his job and started crashing on your couch. Most leases will consider these people guests until they sleep over …
Bed bugs are among the greatest fears for anyone, tenant or landlord alike. These creatures attach themselves to your clothing or other fabric items and hitch a ride to your …
Landlords are allowed to hold a deposit paid by a tenant for 15 days. Unless both parties agree on another deadline in writing, this will hold. However, if the landlord …
As the cost of living rises in an area, landlords will often raise the price of rent to accommodate the increased property taxes, utilities, and market rates. However, the cost …
The cost of painting a small apartment will come down to square footage, prep work, and the complexity of the paint job. Several factors come into play when determining the …
Renters occupy about a third of the houses in the United States. Although a tenant reserves the right to privacy and enjoyment of their rented home, the landlord can inspect …
You reside in a large home with a barely used, unfinished basement. Perhaps you are looking to transform the space to accommodate visiting guests, or maybe you’d like to make …
As we get older, it’s more and more common to find housing that suits our needs. Once you hit a certain age, you will be eligible to live in a …
The death of a tenant is a sensitive topic but one that we need to address nonetheless. When this unfortunate event occurs, what happens to the lease? Does it end …
Home renovation may be the perfect option for people who always want to live in their ideal house. Cost of renovation is not a straightforward answer as it would involve …